Nolet’s Silver

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Nolet’s Silver

Perzik, rozenblaadjes, framboos en jeneverbes zijn de hoofdrolspelers in deze Nolet’s Silver Premium gin! Floraal, fijnfruitig, complex. Doet je zo naar een tweede Gin Tonic verlangen…

Herkomst Nederland
Inhoud 70 cl

Nolet’s Silver


Every batch of NOLET’S Silver is distilled and bottled at Royal Nolet
Distillery in Schiedam, Holland, using a recipe created by Carolus Nolet,
Sr. in collaboration with his sons, Carl Jr. and Bob.

NOLET’S Silver’s gin base is distilled with select gin botanicals using small
copper pot stills. Its signature botanicals – Turkish rose, peach and raspberry – are individually macerated and then distilled to yield the highest concentration and purity
of natural flavors and aromas. The gin base and botanical extracts are then married and allowed to rest in order to achieve a perfect balance of flavors and aromas. To maintain
the best standard of quality, every batch is approved by a Nolet family member and bottled at the Royal Nolet Distillery in Schiedam, Holland.

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Perzik, rozenblaadjes, framboos en jeneverbes zijn de hoofdrolspelers in deze Nolet’s Silver Premium gin! Floraal, fijnfruitig, complex. Doet je zo naar een tweede Gin Tonic verlangen…

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70 cl